Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I am a list type of girl.

Jilleen. Not so sure what to write about... I am in a "listy" mood. But again, I am not sure about what to list. Two minutes later... I got it!

Things I know about myself.
1. I am mentally tough.

2. I don't lie.

3. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

4. I try not to make fun of things people can not help.

5. I love to give granola bars to homeless people.

6. I hate doing things I am bad at.

7. I am a grudge holder.

8. I do my best to not care what other people think of me.

9. I do not eat meat.

10. I get easily addicted to things.

11. I like to be different than everybody else.

12. I prefer to have very long nails.

13. Fake nails, fake hair, fake hair color, fake skin color. Perfect.

14. I am shy.

15. Diet Coke all day, everyday.

16. I so look forward to being a mother.

17. I have a real short temper.

18. I hate planes, but love vacation.

19. I am going to stick up for the people I love, and I don't much care how you feel about it!

20. I am super opinionated!

Peace, love.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Few Pet Peeves.

Jilleen again, Everett is writing soon! Being in Vegas brings a few things to mind. A few pet peeves!

1. When people wait for you to go through a door when they could go through the one right next to you! It's just as easy.

2. People at a buffet who eat while on the way to their table.

3. Ladies who walk in to the Gucci store holding a yard long cup full of beer.

4. People who wear sunglasses indoors.

5. People who are so important that they stop along with their group right in the middle of the hall.

There are more, but that is all for now!

Peace, Love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Joely's AAU=My summer.

This is Jilleen again! We are on our way to Vegas. We fly out tomorrow morning at 7am which equals a 4am wake up call. Yikes. The we I am referring to is myself, and my family. Also Susan, Kevin and Olivia May Heesch and Everett! We are all really excited! I love watching Joely play, but all this basketball does not end up in much rest, I can't imagine how Joely feels! I am looking forward to the week with all of these people! This will be my second time in Vegas. The first time was absolutely terrible. We stopped there on the band trip for an hour at 3am. We walked from the bus parked in an alley to a McDonalds. Classy. We will be together all week, so our blog page will actually be OURS!

Peace, love.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Our First Blog Entry.

This is Jilleen! Obviously since Ev and I do not live together, these will stay separate as well, for the most part anyways. Everett and I have been together for 3 years. Let's just say its been an adventure. We are so different. A lot of couples like to talk about what they have in common with one another. We do not do that. Not because we don't want to, but because we can't. Everett loves to play sports. I hate playing sports, but I do like watching them! Everett likes the outdoors, I hate it. Everett likes to clean, I hate that too. We work though, that is what matters. 

Peace, Love.